When I saw you I was afraid to meet you. When I met you I was afraid to learn you. When I learnt you I was afraid to love you. Now that I love you, I am afraid to lose you....... CODE WITH ❤ IN <?php..........?>

  • 10
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    Love it but dont be afriad to loose it, there are plenty of backend languages in (or based on) the sea (or C or C++).
  • 1
    It’s fucking excellent!
  • 0
    @smb26 haha actually I tried to find gf in real world but I didn't find one so I think this language is better than anyone
  • 3
    PHP is not the worst... but if that photo is yours, your code needs some improvement.

    And yes, I can see that in a blurry photo.

    There's clearly a lot of stuff assigned to variables, a lot of repetition, lines which are incredibly long (>80 chars), and methods which are incredibly long (>20 lines).

    PHP is not bad, if among other things:

    You stick to the single responsibility principle (a class sticks to one "subject", a method performs one clearly named "action")

    You stick to DRY (don't repeat yourself): If there is a lot of repeated sequences of characters, you should probably abstract it out.

    You use PHP7.x and parameter/return type hints.

    You use a collection library (like the laravel standalone fork tightenco/collect), or the PHP data-structure extension (ext-ds) to replace PHP arrays. Native array manipulation is horrific and unreadable.

    But I agree, I love bitching at PHP, but it can be a charmingly simple language. Ugly, but charming.

    PHP is kind of like a pug puppy.
  • 2
    @bittersweet hahahaha thanks for your suggestions brother.
  • 2
    What a beautiful laptop with that backlit keyboard and those colors in the IDE. Wonderful.
  • 1
    Welcome to PHP and being a high paid slave 😃 just telling reality, nothing bad with it.
  • 0
    Why do you use so much Regex?
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