
Boss: Let's hire a new person to help us recreate our website
Us: sounds good!
Boss doesn't hire anyone and starts the website on his own
Boss: I started the new website. It's in server X and the address is test.y.com. I also want all of us to work on it
Me thinking: great he just wants us to modify the hosted files like he does 🙄
Me: I'll move a copy to GitHub for version control.
Boss: Great!
Boss creates a backup folder on the same computer and folder path that the hosted files are on.

Someone please nuke that server so my boss learns version control like I've asked before. I think I'll opt not to work on a website where he and my other co-workers will just overwrite each other's changes because he doesn't want to learn to git 😑

  • 0
    Some people just learn it the hard way.

    Before we used git at work, I already used it locally for my personal convenience in addition to our official version control (really ugly ancient version control).

    Then I teached a new colleague how to use git, but he didn't really use it until the day he lost 3 days of work with an unchecked rm. After that he started to really use git and never lost anything big again.
  • 1
    @ddephor that's how our boss is. He'll always make changes or delete files and then someone says it's broken and it takes him all day or all week to figure out what he did or what he needs to recover
  • 0
    @cuervo leave that place asap
  • 0
    Fucking bosses.
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