I put my email address on my website. Why? Because I want to train/test my spam filter. :)

  • 9
    I do hope you're using yout throwaway email? :) Otherwise don't get surprised when at some point in the future
    a. you'll get a "this email is already registered" error while signing up to some new service
    b. your gmail, facebook, wtv. accounts will have their passwords bruteforced

    :) Just a friendly paranoid warning
  • 3
    No issue. That email is supposed to be public.
    I can easily create new emails / aliases.
  • 2
    (and about brute-forcing: Gotta love 2FA and strong passwords)
  • 3
    @smb26 I didn't recieve a single mail so you might as well be right
  • 2
    @smb26 Not yet. I plan to implement some open-source analytics solution tho...
  • 1
    @smb26 nah. I want to remove as much from Google from my life as possible. Can't add another service by them.
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