Bout to loose my shit. Fucking hate it when clients push and push to launch the system as urgently as possible. Say they have run through the test version and understand what they are getting and sign it all off. Then come back 2am the day after launch and bitch and moan cause its missing features they thought where there when they weren't part of the original planning and always use the excuse "i have just bought a bunch of marketing, your loosing me money" or "I have an important even with important people that need this tomorrow" and try make it your fucking problem.
Firstly, fuck you
Secondaly, fuck you.
I cant even comprehend your lack of logic.

  • 4
    Yeah, some marketing and sales people are a disgrace upon the development community
  • 0
    Welcome to reality mate 😀
  • 3
    This was one of the main reasons I left my previous job. At first I would say "I doubt it will be done in time", then "I can't do it in time", then "it's not possible to do it in time".

    Their only response was "but we really need it by then", and they'd want me to hotfix it in as soon as we went live and - brace yourself - the feature was missing or broken.
  • 5

    Cracks me up everytime when someone asks for changes
  • 0
    @alexbrooklyn i just died 🤣😂🤣
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