
I am still wondering, who reads entire documentation ? :(

  • 2
    I reference parts when needed rather than going to SO 9 times out of 10. Then again, I'm a Pyfag. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • 1
    Me when I’ve visited 20 blogs and 5 tutorials
  • 1
    Me when I know what I am looking for.
  • 1
    @k33da why study regex when there is stackoverflow? hehe
  • 0
    I usually don't read documentation... but when trying to figure out Elasticsearch query DSL I read it like 1000x and still couldn't figure it out... I just kept trying until something worked and I made sure to make the script read-only so I won't change anything by accident.
    But I read reference for libraries and languages tho...
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