
It is taking every fibre of my being to not buy a couple raspberry pi zeroW's and just mess around trying to build my own phone, software and all...

Also hard for me to not just buy any pi to just have sitting around 'incase' .-.

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    @-red form encourage me! Haha

    But will do if I do end up trying it
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    @lxmcf don't*

    Fuck me why can't I spell on devrant -,-
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    The π is calling you!
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    @C0D4 *heavy breathing*
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    @theKarlisK I've seen that but I want to potentially see what I can build myself with my above average - good electronics knowledge... Just because fuck it, I can
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    @theKarlisK no I haven't but if I can't seem to get a barebones Linux distro running I might look into that
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    I did actually consider this during the period in which my Nexus 6P died and I didn't have this OnePlus 6T yet. Turns out that there do actually exist a few projects like that 🙂


    They're both quite bulky and rather unfit for actual use though 🤔
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    i am still dreaming about my swarm of self replicating PIs...

    first step would to get them to mesh together and that is already too much. I am not good with computers oh oh, how did i got here....

    Srsly, does anyone have any experience at creating a wifi mesh network with PIs so the supply each other with one Network connection from one PI and the rests uses the mesh? I had some use for that
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    @theKarlisK problem is that SMD soldering, component selection skills and custom PCB design isn't as accessible to home hackers as it is to manufacturers I guess.. most of the time it's just off-the-shelf components, and if you're lucky without the rather bulky GPIO pins... It's a real issue.
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    I've a Zero W and a 3B+ sitting around, unused. Mainly as I'm out of micro SDs.
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    @Parzi you can boot it from USB actually! https://raspberrypi.org/documentati...
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    @Condor still have to have an SD to bootstrap from USB.
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