
Were the fuck are all the rants?!

All this funny shit is 'fun' but fuck. I miss old rants.

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    May I suggest following @Condor in this case
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    @lxmcf thanks!
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    It does suck seeing let's actual rants though except I can't complain to much because I kinda contribute to the lack of rants :-/
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    @rutee07 thanks 👍

    I don't rant often too. I'm more of a reader. But nowadays it's picture of this, funny picture of that..
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    This post is a rant, right? Fuck.
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    i usually always post angry rants.
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    Buried below all these uninteresting dolts reposting facebook memes and begging for upvotes.
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    @nitnip exactly 😤
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    Lazy admin work. Rant means "speak or shout at length in an angry, impassioned way". So, if you got a new shinyt IDE theme, want to get best of luck for job interview and any other blaablaa, then get the fuck out of here. This is a place for angry coders.
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    @thatDude amen 🙏
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    This post is the reason I'm gonna start ranting up in here. If nothing happens I'll pull from the backlog.
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