
With this rant I am not going to make a lot of friends. But it's fitting good in the context of today's discussions here on devRant.

None of you can deny the article 13 rants that were posted in the last couple of hours. And guess what: that topic is a POLITICAL one! I know it's hard to believe, a political topic being addressed on devRant!

So what do I have to criticize about that?

Since I joined devRant, I identified two political topics that are 'allowed' to be discussed on here: 'SWJ' and passed laws that somehow affect the people of this community.

Something I have to let off about the first topic is this: don't share news stories about 'SWJ's attacking your freedom before having at least once thought about the point of view of the corresponding marginalized minorities.
You all know how the news can twist stories to let them have entirely different messages and such stories are often twisted in the most drammatic way possible. 'This SWJ wants to limit my freedom, I have to react with hate, death wishes and more'.
Let me tell you. If you feel threatened by feminists or political activists, there probably is a good reason why you should feel so.

As you can see by now, I have a different opinion about 'SWJ' than 90% of the people here on devRant. But this is not the main point of this rant, it merely is my personal opinion about a specific topic I had to let off for once.

So what do I actually want to address?

It's the fact that you can not talk about political issues unless they are related to tech. I understand the reason, of course: this is a tech forum so you should talk about tech and nothing else. But here lays the problem: To really understand the decisions that led to, e.g. article 13, you need to talk about politics in general.

You can not properly discuss a political topic, be it article 13 while all other political topics are forbidden to be thrown into such a discussion.
Politics don't end as soon as you aren't the one being affected. But this is exactly how devRant thinks. We are missing on solidarity and a general political discussion. This consequently also results in a missing political consensus.
And this is exactly what is needed to really make some effect. Do you think that EU-politicians will change their mind because some people on here will be mad at them for approximately three weeks? I don't think so. So let us find the political consensus of this community and really change something!

So yes, this is a rant about devRant.

( p.s. while selecting fitting keywords for this rant, I was offered this suggestion: 'politics == suckmydick'. This really says a lot about the current situation )

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    NOPE, politics can suck my dick! Now where did my memes go? 😢

    Seriously though, we agree to disagree because the worst thing I know is when you can't keep two topics apart 😑 From my experience you will only slide further and further away from the initial topic and step on some real landmines that will trigger some people and BOOM your discussion is a total shitshow.

    The part about SJW's I don't get, aren't that term reserved for politically toxic individuals?
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    @ihatecomputers I guess memes will be served as a tor-service, next to guns and drugs.

    I think you can regularly experience some first class shitshows on here. Just try to bring in some political views in response to a rant and look what happens

    My experience with 'SWJ' is that, especially in this network, people react with extreme toxicity to rather appropriate criticism of 'social justice warriors'. But yes, our opinions will probably differ on that topic
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    I have had this discussion with Dfox. I also thought that you cannot have one without the order since every discussion changes subject during discussion.
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    @RantSomeWhere you are probably right about the SWJ discussions. The problematic part there is more that those are no real discussions and rather shouting personal opinions in a non-productive manner. DevRant's views on changing master/slave etc. are entirely one-sided and not open for any change. I'd love to move to better discussions, especially in topics like the ones you gave as an example, but, as previously stated, a broader acceptance for political discussions needs to be created to allow room for productive discussions.

    Currently, you are told to fuck off when mentioning the slightest bit of support for things like changing the python naming conventions. That needs to change but it is only possible when the whole community stands behind it
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    As for the political part about article 13, this part relates to tech nearly directly so I don't get why that wouldn't be allowed here?

    As for the SJW stuff, I always try to see the views of the other side as well but when you take the Python master/slave thingy, this is a common concept used all over tech setups/industries, that its (the terms and meaning) been used for very nasty stuff as well (slavery) shouldn't be a reason to change the terms because the context is entirely different.

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    @ruhe Also, "those are not real discussions" invalidates the actual discussions which have absolutely been there (and I've taken part in them, yes).
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    @linuxxx I didn't want to start the master/slave discussion all over again, rather take it as an example where hearing both views instead of bashing each other would really be productive. I'm glad you have taken part in such discussions.

    As for the article 13 thing: Of course it should be allowed. My criticism is that 'only' tech related things are allowed, resulting in things like article 13 not being taken into a broader perspective. We talk about a law being passed and not about the political agenda behind it. Not about the current political developments that led to a parliament that passes such laws, etc., etc.

    I know that this plays against the unspoken rule of 'no general politics on devRant', but maybe it would be better without such rule?
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    Thanks for your post.
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    We allow political discussions that are directly related to tech/dev. I think article 13 fits that criteria very well.

    As for stuff about sjw, I almost never have anything of that nature reported to me so I can’t really speak on that.
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