
Just a reminder for y'all

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    this post turned me into a satanist
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    @Kage See it's true.

    You're already hiding from facts and denying them.
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    if you like being the product....
    mac may be expensive, but at least you get privacy. on linux, you are free!
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    I'd say it's the other way around...
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    @aggelalex nope. It's correct. Truth hurts 🤷🏻‍♂️

    @BigFatTony "MuH pRiVaCy"
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    Maybe it is still April first in your time zone
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    @Stuxnet Nope, especially in devrant, we (the linuxers) are usually saying that we use Linux and then Windows people come up and try to shut us up.

    After all, that's how the "I use Arch btw" meme came around.
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    @aggelalex ohhhh thought you meant the part that actually matters (win10 being the best).

    Both sides do it. Used to be a lot more "uSe LiNuX" headasses. But not as many as their used to be (thank god).

    And most people that do it for windows are just being sarcastic.
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    @jokerreturns no. It's facts.

    This isn't rocket science or anything difficult to comprehend. C'mon man
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    @Stuxnet "i DuNn0 m8, pSeUDo pR1vaCy iS BeTtaH tHaN NoTHin' "
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    @Stuxnet I'm not saying which is better than the other, but in what terms do you find Win10 to be better?

    Dunno 'bout you, but I think each OS has its strengths and weaknesses and so comparing them, without any ground to compare them on, doesn't really look convincing.
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    @specialCardinal It's categorized as a joke for a reason.

    Just going around mocking all the tin foil hat wearing & head up their ass 'Nix fanboys that screech about Windows sucking because they keep fucking stuff up but can't get over their ego problems to admit it's their fault.

    I like Linux a lot. Use it pretty frequently and learning more every day. Shit is hella efficient if you know what you're doing (which I don't 😂). But you are very correct when you say both have their strengths and weaknesses.
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    about "muh privacy": i'm not concerned about MY privacy that much. when i said "you are [win10's] product, i meant that they use win10 to create user profiles for targeted advertizing, emulating google and facebook. this trend worries me greately.

    further listening: making sense podcast, ep #148 jack dorsey.
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    Rather use Windows95 again
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    just think, in the long arc of history, linux will become as commercial as windows, win 'hearts and mimes', and then go on to become as terrible as microsoft.

    You're living in the golden age of linux! And just think: in the future awaits only despair, misery, and decline for it.
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    You'd think they did targetted advertising, but obviously the guys they have writing that code don't know their ass from their own elbow because if they did I'd be getting ads for body pillows, dick pills, gold plated menorahs, and doomsday prepper products.
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    @Wisecrack Yeah, ever heard of GPL?
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    that it spreads like hiv or am I thinking of another license?
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    @Wisecrack Yep. Linux is GPL. Nobody can go full closed source on them.
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