
Google shutting down a great product 😭

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    What product was that?
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    @ScriptCoded it was Inbox, imo the best email client especially on mobile...they ported some features to gmail but not all of them.
  • 4
    Google loves killing his own products 😣
  • 8
    Welcome! And check out K-9 Mail, it's got some pretty advanced features like GPG signing, encryption, ability to add mailboxes from anywhere including your own domain and whatnot. And it's open source, and it's got a black theme :3
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    What features did it have that Gmail doesn't?
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    @retnikt bundling is the biggest one missing for me. It gave much more control than gmail's. Also i liked the ui on mobile a lot more.
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    They integrated a lot of the best of Inbox into GMail itself. I honestly don’t miss Inbox much after i got the sunset notice
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    It's time to download Spark
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    Glad to know, no one is calling Google+ as great product.
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    Switch to a provider who stores your emails in Europe. Protect your privacy
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