So, my data is not complete, but after an email exchange with dfox, I'll stop the data collection.
I have just under 40k of users in my database, but have searched less than 10% of the possible userids (although as the ids get larger valid ones get sparser.).

I'm missing A LOT of people, the average user in my db joined on December 1, 2016.
Also some of my data is now almost a day old.
But here are some analytics anyways.

---- DEVRANT USER STATS v0.1.1----
39457 users currently in the database.
---- Score (++):
>0 : 15828
>20 : 11090
>100 : 6726
>500 : 2561
>1000 : 1451
>5000 : 191
>10000 : 67
>20000 : 24
>30000 : 13
>40000 : 8
>50000 : 2
>70000 : 1
>100000 : 1
0< : 170
Most [152854] : linuxxx
Least [-79] : bljj77
Avg : 175.86542311883824
---- Rants:
>0 : 13755
>1 : 10195
>5 : 5235
>10 : 3198
>100 : 206
Most [1045] : linuxxx
Avg : 4.043515725980181
---- Comments:
>0 : 14838
>1 : 12078
>5 : 8149
>10 : 6104
>100 : 1448
>1000 : 121
>10000 : 1
Most [16792] : linuxxx
Avg : 21.737993258483918
---- Upvoted:
>0 : 23425
>1 : 20794
>5 : 16030
>10 : 13340
>100 : 5255
>1000 : 1014
>10000 : 56
Most [86395] : dfox
Avg : 131.29799528600756
---- Favourites:
>0 : 4279
>1 : 2349
>5 : 1104
>10 : 744
>100 : 98
Most [2702] : chilledfrogs
Avg : 1.536381377195428

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