If you were developing an autonomous car, how would you instruct your car to react to trolley problem?

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    My car would prioritize people based on how much resources the society had spend on them weighted against their potential returns. My car would try and save a grown up person over a kid.
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    @Pickman How about yours?
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    Mine would assess the route with minimal judiciary cost, then find an ethically satisfying justification for picking this route and log it to blackbox 😏
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    Is self destruct an option?
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    @FuckJava there's no good way to measure the resources spent or the returns. You can't give a number for the value of a person's life.
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    Good one. Depends on how many passengers are in the car
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    My car would put the safety of its passengers first. While the rest of the car designers debate ethics, this car would be a market hit, for obvious reasons.
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    @Fast-Nop so your Solo car would shoot first?
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    True but you can make an educated guess that society has spent more resources on a person in business attires, surgeon attires, a police officer, a solder, ... than a baby in prams
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    You can read a little more about this here:

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    @bkwilliams it would do anything that's necessary for saving its passengers, that would be its primary duty. Sure, it would slam the brakes, but it would rather run over some innocent child than driving into a concrete wall.
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    @FuckJava that's not a 'good way'. And some people would have to stay away from traffic because all cars would want to kill them first
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    That's those people's problem.
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    Kill them all
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    @electrineer Even if all of mankind took a vote and decided on how to quantify the value of a person, there’d be people who’d disagree. At some point, ya just gotta say “Fuck it. You’re a ten. You’re a six. You’re a five. The five dies!” 😈😂
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    God I love politically incorrect but practically correct people
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    @FuckJava gonna go Google trolley problem now lol
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    Probably an unpopular opinion:

    First of all the chance that a car stumbles upon the trolley situation is very small.

    Second the car has "super human" sensors so it would probably see it way before and react to it (like tesla did a few times)

    Third if it happens it would more likely be the other person fault/choice to drive/walk infront of the car instead of waiting for a red light or some other reason to act dumb.

    So I don't think we should build ethical rules in a car. I think we should act on for example the protection of a person. So if we have a child and a wall, we should go for the wall because the car has airbags (and the child not).

    Let me know your opinion
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    I really don't think there is a point in investing a lot of time into thinking about this. Either way someone will get killed at some point. And if it is the driver or a passenger their family will be angry and if it is someone in the street their family will be angry. It will be dramatized in media either way. And politicians will probably say they will do something about it. But ultimately you can't. The only thing you could do about it is analyze how human choose in these situations. At least that way autonomous cars won't be less ethical than humans.
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    My car would try to hit as many people as possible and kill the passengers in the end somehow.
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    Too late! It's already out there.

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    That's POV of Cyberdyne Systems Terminator model 001, right?
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    You didn't get my pun. Nonetheless, in this case, I am with Uber. The cyclist had used ice, and Uber's car correctly decided to eradicate the substance abuser. That's exactly what I said my car would do in the first comment. Only if I knew how to build a sensor that would detect substance abusers in blink of an eye
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    There's a difference between an addict and someone who has had their drinks tainted. A tangible, measurable, physical and biological different. I just need to find a sensor to measure it precisely
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    I don't act like that. While driving, I see pedestrians with scores hovering above their heads.
    1000pts for the priest
    0pts for the doctor
    -1000pts for the nurse
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    Any controlled substance

    Sugar and salt don't cause physical dependence BTW

    Also, spike me once, shame on you. Spike me twice, shame on me
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    Anyone who says they are addicted to sugar can go hang themselves.
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    @Nanos LoL
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    You better quit quickly, or risk being hit by my autonomous car
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    So it was a bad mean American car
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    I loved that movie as a child. Always wanted the truck to win
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    It's in oho which means it's neither safe enough, nor fast enough. But good try
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    Find an aircraft autopilot system running on php
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    As soon as I saw php I stopped reading your first one LoL
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    I need to upgrade my AI. Target php developers as well.
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    @FuckJava I would probably make it customizable. After all my primary reason to produce a car would be to sell it. I can already see the slogan "a car that supports your ethics".
    And then I would probably stop driving because... People's ethics, are what they are you know.
    Anyway from a moral point of view forcing one of many possible ethical choices on your customer is probably immoral (or at least that's what I could tell the police I guess).
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    Very well said sir. It's about $$$. We could let them customize it... Drivers in Saudi Arabia probably want to hit female drivers; drivers in Australia undoubtedly will go for bicycles; and so on...
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