
<p>Get it? Cuz IE is slow. Hue hue ++ if you laughed like I did!

  • 7
    I'm so sorry
  • 1
    @Alice I want the free stickers though
  • 1
    @Haxk20 That's fine too.

    It was the most serious part of the post 😂
  • 2
    I haven't watched it either.
    Wasn't on Netflix until well after I stopped caring.
  • 2
    @Root I don't like superhero movies, so I haven't seen it either.

    Deadpool is the last superhero movie I saw and only because it's pretty funny.
  • 1
    @Stuxnet I don't like good vs evil movies.

    The "evil" side is always either stupid or right (but yhen turns stupid). The "good" side is always just lawful, high-and-moral, or like "bad guy is bad, because bad! grrr"

    It's revolting.

    Anyone without the standard morals is better. I'll take a good "anti-hero" any day. Someone who does what needs doing because it needs doing, not because they'll feel good about it.

    "Oh no, we can't kill the murderer! That's just wrong! We'd be no better than them!" Oh, fuck. off.

    "But if you murder a murderer, the number of murderers stays the same!" Not if you kill two of them, genius.

    @Root hates typical morality.
  • 2

    What about 'the ends justify the means'?

    Theres that harvey meme that goes something like "ever love someone so much that you'd do anything for them? Well make that someone yourself, and do whatever the hell you want."
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