Rest in peace old friend :(

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    @redman cry with me brotha'....
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    Does it looks only for me like an point where someone pressed hos thumb against it?
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    Did you think it was a touch screen?
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    @KorDarei I can see you are using Cmder. What is your typical usage like?
    I have it too but always end up using mingw for git and other small dev related tasks.
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    My windows Start menu is also unclickable. Not because of the monitor, windows itself has issue. I'm not bother to fix it since I only use it for Photoshop. I can still use it fine by Ctrl + R and other shortcuts.

    Since your issue is with monitor, you can probably move the task bar to top or side and temporarily fix the issue. 😁
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    Well that's one way to de-brand I guess
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    Ayy but you can use super button to get the start menu

    And that's great that nothing else went bad
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    Cmder ftw
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    @Tisila cmder is THE INVENTION :D you have git, vim and ssh client with it, also i open dosen of tabs for bundlers, event listeners etc, it also understands some of basic linux commands (ls, ps, grep, cat). Also it has a quake mode so whenever i press Ctrl+` it comes down, basically makes windows less painfull... you can also put it on a thumb drive and work wherever with these tools
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    @Jilano joke on you, it was my secondary display :P
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    @lamka02sk @stop i have a daughter about year and a half, she saw us use smartphones so she thinks every screen is a touch screen, so i have my doubts :D
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    A typical case of a noticeable problem covering up a fundamental one.
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    @KorDarei oh yeah, I totally forgot about SSH capabilities!
    I have it on my thumb drive as well 😉
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