
“We want a new website, but not in HTML, we need Wordpress.”

Oh you poor client...

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    @jespersh i like your thinking ( อก° อœส– อก°)
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    They mean "Plain HTML", they need a CMS.
    Funny how you missed that..
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    I guess you could just setup a redirect to an image of a WordPress page.
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    @xewl Didn’t miss it, just made a thing of the statement. ๐Ÿ˜‰
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    @grosten out-of-the-actual-context
    Whatever floats your boat though :p
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    Even better, recreate a WP site in Flash, and upload it as an SWF file ๐Ÿ˜ˆ
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    PDF software editor with WordPress appearence and make it upload the generated pdf to the server
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    Without any HTML? Just use XML with XSL ๐Ÿ˜‚
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    just offer 2 solutions:
    - plain html: $
    - wordpress: $$$
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    This really frustrates me. The mere fact that Wordpress has such a huge market share means it has enough mindshare that a non-technical user might well have heard of it.

    As a result people who would be better served by a different CMS or a custom build get locked into the idea that Wordpress is what they need. Wordpress isn't all that flexible and very often if you need some specific functionality there are plenty of plugins that sort of do what you want, but none that do exactly what you want, so you end up having to choose between:

    * compromising on what you want the site to do by using an existing plugin that's a poor fit
    * building a new plugin to do exactly what you want, but requiring much more work to achieve that than you'd need to put in to implement the same thing in an MVC framework

    It's also not helped by the lowest common denominator of Wordpress developers to whom, since all they have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
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    @Sumafu go away with your XSLT humbug
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    ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚ don't make me laugh
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    @matthewbdaly I've been pulled into making a WP-based site as a result of the following reason: if I die, they can find another person to make changes. I was astounded. Did it, made a lot of personalized plugins, widgets and custom theme snippets ...

    Never looked back (pretended I was dead lol)
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    @xewl Good God, that is such terrible reasoning! It's not like it's hard to find Laravel or Symfony devs. If anything it's harder to find good Wordpress devs than good Laravel or Symfony devs because of the difference in the lowest common denominator.
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    @matthewbdaly right.. I tried explaining, but I also get it... somewhat. I couldn't get him off it, so... xD The dude's quite tech savvy even, not st00pid at all! He did not put off my reasoning either; but it was his business decision to have it like that and thus it would be done like that. Just a different world I guess :) I did not really play dead to them though, but I passed on to another project they did, and afterwards communication kinda halted. I could've done so much more cool stuff for this project.. if it wasn't for the underlying code I hated to use :)
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    @xewl ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ Good thing to do mate.
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    Content-Type: application/json
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    "Dear client, you are like women, when u end up telling us what u want, we end up with knowing less that what we used to know before asking"
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