There are a million ways to center shit in css and none of them fucking work

  • 9
    What browser do you use? IE 6?
  • 3
    CSS may be sensitive but idk about this rant chief.
  • 12
    display: flex;

    It even fucking works in IE 11.

    Alignment isn't a problem at all anymore.
  • 4
    we've been there in previous years, nowadays though just use flexbox
  • 2
    Flexbox ftw
  • 5
    for all lost souls out there: http://howtocenterincss.com/ its really not that hard ;)
  • 2
    And here we are in 2019, trying to understand something we devs managed to deal with in 1999 with browsers that had no clue what they were doing. 🤷‍♂️

    Css used to be a fun and exciting process and then you'd open another browser and throw your keyboard across the room and start again, today it's write once and forget 😔
  • 0
  • 1
    @M1sf3t it wasn't that bad, not until AAA games started needing high end requirements to run.

    I can still remember playing doom on a Pentium 486 and 8MB (yes MB) of ram 😂
  • 3
    💪Flexbox💪, you goddamned troglodyte.
  • 0
    Flex & high 100vh works well for me 🤷‍♂️
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