You don't want to learn any of the existing JavaScript frameworks? Just create your own framework and use it...

  • 10
    Ah shit, here we go again
  • 4
    Just dont put it online anywhere
  • 6
    All you had to do was follow the damn train.

    But no, you go and make your own damn train.
  • 2
    @C0D4 I see you are a man of culture.

    (made the same reference today and I never do that)


    I was shared this https://twitter.com/i/status/...

    And replied
    All he had to do was ~~follow the damn train~~ stand next to the cop so the NPC would fight with the cop instead of you..
  • 3
    @Codex404 one of my favourites.
    Some how that train was harder to keep up with then anything else.
  • 1
    Some motherfucker is always tryna ice skate uphill
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