
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You've been warned
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That was an awesome way to end the series!

  • 3
    @Frederick apparently the warning isn't big enough 😅🤷‍♂️
  • 5
    Are we allowed to spoil in the comments? I think the end was true to the previous seasons, and all the main characters got what they deserved. I really liked the throne room scene which was foreshadowed back in the House of Undying. The only thing I didn’t buy was John turning on Daenerys. I thought the massacre of civilians would turn him, but no, Tyrion had to convince him even after witnessing all that. When they were kissing I was pretty sure John would stab her, but still, the path leading up there was not convincing.
  • 6
    A bad TV ending = Fans picking up the books to read the good ending.

    All I'm saying.
  • 4
    @620hun yes comments should be safe for spoilers. It's not like anyone scrolling by hasn't been warned 😂

    I was disappointed John had to be pursued so much to take out Danny, but it was a suspensive build up to it.
    I honestly thought the dragon was going to try and burn him alive and have him still standing there, but no, we burn down the iron throne instead.
  • 1
    @C0D4 Same, that would have been the absolute proof he was a Targaryen.
  • 1
    @irene *better version of the time where the show ended
  • 0
    btw, doctor strange did tell iron man, that he's one of the heroes fallen to save the universe.
  • -1
    Shut the hell your mouth
  • 0
    So uh, who won?
  • 3
  • 0
    Naruto's father dies
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