

AWS summit, speakers talking about technologies that amazon didn’t build but they provide on its cloud.
All about how it’s awesome to use those technologies on its cloud infrastructure.

Feeling like I’m on some bad advertising summit.

I heard docker, containers like 100s times already.

On one of the slides they claim that 85% of tensorflow workloads are on their cloud.
That’s powerful statement.

Looks like enterprises are all on the way to Oracle 2.0 called AWS.

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    we will discover the real extent of it in the next AWS worldwide breakdown.

    (opinion: I think it will be huge)
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    @deviloper the more I hear about those all innovative features the more I think it’s just becoming over engineered from monolith code to the over distributed network infrastructure.
    That doesn’t solve any problems I have in real life and to be honest adds a few more.
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    AWS is becoming the next MS, Oracle.

    Where companies is getting stuck in ecosystems where they will be unable to move away from
  • 4
    Me : "Prof, we should learn how to do cloud computing."
    Prof : "That won't be necessary, we have a big server here in the uni that has just been upgraded to be more powerful."
    Me : /* Yes but I won't be able to use uni server forever right...*/

    : /
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