Father of all language🤓🤓

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    Look, not only the "meme category" is there, but "devrant" is reserved for things related to this platform.

    Also, do you really think that you are the first to copy shit from the internet and post it? Goddamn that meme is so old, it's probably even older than C.
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    @Haxk20 what did I do this time?
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    Where is Assembly-chan?
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    @Haxk20 oh.
    My mind blocked the repost and I had no idea what you were on about.

    Oi, @Shubham14 thank you for your reddit/9GAG/4chan/google images/ or what ever, copy pasta contribution, I do hope your code bases don't follow the same processors - I really do.

    Also, Plankalkül is the father of ALL languages, if you're going to copy pasta, at least fact check it 🤷‍♂️
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