
Le Mail: bla bla \n \n Sent from ...

WHO fucking thought that anyone‘d care ?

  • 11
    I for one do care.

    If a person sends an email using a mobile device I try to make all the attachments easy to review on mobile rather than pack all screenshots in a password protected zip or so.

    "Sent from my mobile" also means that person is on a move and most likely won't reply with attachments and will reply with delays, in short messages. It might be not the best time to be asking for in-depth explanations via an email.

    ~ Sent via DevRant for Android
  • 4
    @netikras That seems legit.
    Never thought about that, it seems the reason why!

    ~ Sent via devRant UWP
  • 5
    I agree.

    ~ Sent from my Galaxy S6 with Lineage OS 14.1 (Android Version 7.1) running Magisk 19.3 via the official DevRant Android application.
  • 4
    I agree.

    - Sent from a mobile device running Android 8.1.0 with a security patch date of June 5, 2019 that is connected to the internet via WiFi.
  • 8
    I don't.

    Sent from Ireland for some fucking reason
  • 5
    It always makes it sound like the person is being a show-off about their phone. I read it as, e.g. "Look at me, sending this from my iPhone!"

    ~ Sent from my Armitage Shanks toilet
  • 5
    ~Sent from someone too lazy or inept to update the default email sig on their phone
  • 3
    Sent from your mom
  • 4
    In my opinion, this send from.mobile thingy is useless.

    I mean, an in depth explanation via email is simply wrong. For me a mail has to.be short an to the point. If I open a mail and see like thousands of letters, I Instantly get uninterested and probably miss the point of that mail.

    And I know I am.not.alone with that.

    Long discussions should.be done in a personal conversation. Face to face in a meeting or on the phone.
  • 3
    @Rohr Long discussions still need a transcript or people will 'forget' what was discussed/agreed in meetings.. so you still need 'long' emails or emails with 'long' attachments..

    Sent from my unicorn device from across the galaxy.
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    Sent from curl.
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    @sladuled this is absolutely true. And this is what attachments are for.
  • 1
    @Rohr Well.. no.. sorry, cannot agree..

    If I'm on my phone, I don't want to download 3012343MB of Word document or some other bs that clients tend to send over.. I prefer the text only option email provides..

    P.S. screenshots inside excel worksheets without context rock!!
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    @sladuled technically, I have never seen an attachment this big in a mail.
  • 2
    @sladuled ok. Yes we agree on that. But for real, nowadays mail shouldn't have attachments at all anyway.

    If some one got to share a 3G Excel sheet, or Word Document, or text file, or pictures from the last holiday for what ever reason - shouldn't share it by mail.
    Some k sized text-based docs - ok ... But anything bigger that a couple of k should be placed somewhere where everyone who needs access to it, got it.

    There are dozens ways to do that out there. Even self hosted solutions. Pastebin, seafile, nextcloud, cifs ... You name it.

    But what I basically meant was that, the mail body should be straight to the point. No big blah blah. And if the point is to big to fit in a couple of lines, mail isn't the way to discuss it efficient.
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