Laides and Gentelmen! It my pleasure to present to you the next level in the Linux desktop! MATERIAL SHELL!!!


Demo video: https://i.imgur.com/2UVZTnk.mp4

  • 9
    So much space left unused my dude! I'm incredibly sorry, but these toolbars are bloat
  • 17
    @dontPanic that's material design guidelines for you my dude. Glad to see someone who claims to be material and actually follows the specifications... I like it!
  • 2
    I’m gonna use the duck out of these theme 🦆
  • 4
    @dontPanic that is material design, it's one of the reasons I hate Material.
  • 2
    @Codex404 @dontPanic I guess we agree to disagree... :)
  • 1
    @chabad360 arent you really annoyed that you have to put in the elements randomly without any alignment whatsoever?
  • 0
    @Codex404 I haven't used it yet, and it's in like beta
  • 0
    @chabad360 I meant Material Design
  • 0
    @Codex404 I don't get what you mean... Can you elaborate?
  • 2
    @chabad360 look at any of the google material design apps. If more than two things align with eachother it would be a miracle...

    I have OCD and the design hurts me. I can even get angry because of it sometimes.
    But it's in line with everything google does. My OCD is triggered by their logo too.
  • 0
    Huh... I find the alignment quite nice actually... Do you perhaps mean the icons?

    I mean every thing is spaced nicely and all with equal spacing so idk what your issue is... (Sorry)
  • 0
    @chabad360 you clearly havent used any google apps on android.
  • 0
    @Codex404 i use Android daily, and I use Google apps daily, and I get triggered by maligned items too, but I fail to see what your issue is... Again I guess we can agree to disagree...

    @redman I don't take credit for work that's not mine, so I can't take credit for this...
  • 1
    Hmm. I'd say make them toolbars go away. And auto-tile windows. Oh, wait, I have that already, it's called i3wm... Carry on then!
  • 0
    @cprn it's apparently the child of i3 and gnome, and it's in it's early stages. So hopefully by the time it's done it will be enough to convince me to switch to gnome and drop i3.

    Did you see the video?
  • 0
    @chabad360 Yeah, I've seen it but it seemed to me you press a key binding to "force" the tailing? The tailing is happening few seconds after clicking each app icon. It's not I don't like it, I quite do, I'm just happy with i3.

    BTW I think Gardiner Bryant would like it. Post under one of his videos on The Linux Gamer youtube channel.
  • 1
    Nope, open app, hide it, open another one, open number 1, it takes the place of 2, press a toggle, and split screen!

    I3 kinda has the same thing... You need to hit a button (key press) to trigger it
  • 3
    @chabad360 so basically it is the best of GNOME with the best of i3? That's pretty dope because I love the idea of i3, I just don't like the look and feel of it. Also I love material so it seems to be perfect for my taste
  • 2
    @Haxk20 That's ok, everyone has their taste.

    @frickerg yup! That's what I understood. But it's currently in an early beta, so they have a while to go before it really gets there.
  • 2
    @chabad360 I've been waiting all my Linux life for this so a few more years wouldn't hurt, good things take time
  • 1
    @frickerg true. But at the point where there is a working beta that seems to missing only some (I repeat some) functionality, I think that future is only a few months away. Let's just hope that even once it's complete it stays maintained...
  • 0
    @flake not my project...
  • 0
    @flake haha...
  • 1
    @frickerg for the looks argument, you can modify the hell out of i3 to make it look anything you want. r/unixporn is a amazing library for inspiration
  • 0
    @mindev modifing i3 that much is possible?
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