Not sure what triggers me more:

a) the fact that nowadays no one can type/spell without auto-correct
b) that this passed code review
c) that no one corrected it in 12 months since it's been committed

  • 2
    Wasn't const another shit pile of JS as const not meaning 'immutable' but rather constant reference?

    You can change the objects properties.... *Gnihihihi*
  • 3
    @IntrusionCM Not sure about JS. This is Kotlin so const value is set during compile time and then immutable.

    Unless you know the exact memory address and tamper with that 🙄
  • 5
    @IntrusionCM yes you are 100% correct, `const` in JS does indeed mean a constant reference.

    A constant reference to a mutable object still allows you to mutate that object, just not change the reference.

    Java has the same behaviour with the `final` keyword by the way, create a `final` ArrayList<String> and watch how you can still insert and remove items from it
  • 2
    @unsignedint If I recall correctly, Kotlin's "val" translates to Java's "final"
  • 1
    Almost all my variable have spelling mistakes. I don't know why.
  • 1
    @LordPeeve my mistake.... I genuinely thought it was JS Oo

    At least Kotlin does it right - the first time I read about JS let / const I was like.... What the fuck is wrong with you people?!
  • 0
    @IntrusionCM No worries mate, all languages are starting to lookalike anyhow 🤣
  • 2
    Intellij even shows the typo..
  • 2
    @musician It does but never underestimate the power of ignorance 🙄
  • 2
    And for some reason it's spelled correctly in the string .-.
  • 1
    @Krokoklemme Well without it wouldn't work at all 🤣 I'm sure who ever wrote it thought one is American the other one must be British spelling 😂😂😂
  • 2
    That extra space on the second one though
  • 1
    @Techno-Wizard Didn't even notice until now. It's to ensure "Bearer <token>" has the space 😂
  • 1
    The spelling...
  • 1
    I learned everything I know about grammar in second grade. That would've been...1966. Fork Lane Elementary, Hicksville, Long Island, New York. I too am gobsmacked at the errors made, esp. in a performance review.
    One review I rec'd was so transparent written by somebody who was functionally illiterate that I nearly rewrote it and handed it back to her. But she was a friend of mine at work and I'd never, ever do that to anybody.
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    @bols59 should have written 'transparently' instead of transparent. what an oik.
  • 2
    The codebase in my company is a mess of French and English variables. Wait a minute, the mess might be because of me using English. :p
  • 1
    It seems the guy can't type without looking at the keyboard.
    Learn to touch-type people. It pays.
  • 0
    @CircuitRCAY it translates to a final getter, i.e. there is no setter. The getter might or might not return the same result.
  • 0

    var x = 0
    val y get() = x++
  • 1
  • 1
    @CircuitRCAY in this example, y will return a different value on every call to its getter. The getter is final, the result is not!
  • 1
    2020: hindsight isn't

    2021: the total death of standards

    2022: we've always been at war with east asia. Whats a "standard"?

    2023: Everythings on fire. This is fine. Two legs bad. Four legs good.

    2024: Gronk light fire with magic stick. Grunk eat captured warring tribe memeber! What is good in life? (asks Grank). "To drive your enemies before you and hear the lamentations of their women."

    2025: Fallout but instead of super mutants everyones just gets super ebola-aids and dies of radioactive cancer. The super-elite then rule over the earth with their harem of mars-colonist semi-intelligent tesla sex machines.

    2026: In the grimdark future there is only rollercoasters leading to ovens and CRT classrooms, and masturbation machines.

    Hail Clippy.
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