what's the thing that reminds you, that you are a developer?

I said "the time complexity of finding my car in this parking lot is n factorial".

  • 7
  • 1
    Notification with stupid question.
  • 1
    Morning alarm...
  • 3
    I see the world in data structures.
  • 3
    I keep interpreting the word as data structures and game strategies.

    It angers me more than anything else when people pretend there's logical relation between two different uses of a word. (artists do that, when I tell them it's a fallacy they indirectly say that logic is overrated and return to abusing mathematical constructs.)
  • 4
    Anytime i see a piece of nice tech i have the urge to find security flaws in it and exploit them. I feel like a digital pyromaniac.
  • 0
    Usually the computer at my desk does the trick
  • 1
    Wanting to reboot everything that does not work properly
  • 1
    Do people actually talk like this? SMH
  • 0
    @norman70688 Do you use Arch? 😱😱😱
    You must be an ace at resolving dependency version conflicts.
  • 0
    Why is it O(n!) though? Shouldn't it be O(n) ?
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