
I just watched this video from Tom Scott: "why typing like this is sometimes okay." (https://youtu.be/fS4X1JfX6_Q).

I just have to say: we type quite formally here in devRant. Most of the time I see sentences that start with a capital letter and end with a period.

Although the video suggests that internet speak convays more information compared to formal speak such as emotions, tone of voice, loudness and rhetoricism, the formal writing style might be one of the reasons I like reading devRant and interacting with you so much.

To be honest, I didn't even know any of the internet conversation quirks listed on the video except for ALL CAPS.

  • 3
    Interesting PERSPECTIVE on This. I always try to get the GAMMER right, UNLESS IM IN A RUSH..

    OR DRUNK!!!!!!!!
  • 2
    Ye, short msgs can convey more info than long formal txts in < chars, though it takes more ⌚ to understand

    (and Im shitty in internet speech, semi formal is easier)
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    That's not really what I ment by internet speech. Actually due to autocompetion and such, abbreviations are a thing of the past.
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    @joas hmm see I have no clue what this all means, I guess that's another benefit of not using Facebook, Twitter etc.
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    It just passed my recommended items and I see what you mean, I just don't recognise it at all. The formal texts are easier to read in my opinion.
    Though I do use the lowercasings for abbreviations.
  • 1
    We're a sophisticated bunch on DevRant. We refuse to drop cultural standards.

    Now, if you will forgive me, I'm off to read a large book with small text and no pictures.

    Toodlepip, chums.
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