Hey devs! I'm new here and I don't know any people on this network, wanna talk about things?

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    Hi, welcome to devRant.
    Surely you'll enjoy here..
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    Oh vous êtes français. Bienvenue 😁
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    @rendezvous thanks!
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    hi there 🙂
    devRant is not so much about talking but rather you telling us your stories from your life as a developer.
    Good luck!
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    @heyheni Seems great!
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    Another newbie?
    I may meet my sacrificial kpi's this month.

    Welcome you poor soul to our dark and devious underworld of frustrated and angry devs.

    Do enjoy your time.
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    Hey man i'm new here too. Whats up
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    I've been on this site a while, but still don't particularly know anyone. There's just a few characters who are... unique, in their own ways.
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    @legacy07 name checks out 😏

    @AlmondSauce hi, I'm @C0D4. I've seen you navigating these corridors for a while now.
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    @C0D4 Hi, I'm AlmondSauce. I'm usually here when I should be doing something more productive. I'll happily rant, sympathise with people's rants, and call people out for spouting crap, so long as it's a personal area of expertise ;)
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