
Inb4 sorry if this is cringe or whatever

We don’t do code review

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    @electrineer @irene yeah we don’t, “just make it work” is our motto

    And I’m about to leave
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    @devTea even if you don't do reviews as a team thing, you should be doing it as a solo thing do check that what you have written makes sense and is clear before adding into the codebase.
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    @C0D4 I did for my own code
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    @devTea that's better then nothing.
    I find shoving in github, creating a PR and just going down the changes and spot checking everything works well.

    If you don't already I would try and introduce TDD if the code base allows for it, not all codebase are.. hmm wHats the word... well thought through enough to actually have testing added to them without decent refactoring.
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    @irene It's more common than you might realise. I'd go as far as saying *most* companies probably don't, or it's close to 50-50.
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    @C0D4 this TDD, does it mean I have to write the unit test along or just a manual testing? Because I always do the latter on every bit of code I’m working on
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    My place is the same way. I eat spaghetti on a daily basis cleaning up after contractor's absolute garbage code. It's an intern position but I don't plan on staying with the company.
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    @devTea Strictly speaking, in TDD you have to write your tests and method stubs *before* you write a line of implementation. You then ensure all tests fail, and as you implement more of your solution, more tests pass.

    It *sounds* nice, but I find it a bit utopian in practice. I've done it, but it tends to discourage refactoring your code as you go (since you've already written all the tests to conform to your original design), and I find that to be quite limiting.
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    TDD is generally code to test that your methods and classes produce the results expected.

    Most people tend to write them after, but it's better practise to write them before your actual code as to know what your code should return and become valid.

    For asp.net (I looked at your profile) you could use this as an example:


    It's always great if you can physically test your product, you can generally automate that with selenium.
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    @C0D4 @AlmondSauce thanks a lot, I’ll read it. Well I’m going to be solely a front dev *cough* js *cough* next month

    Edit: the link broke
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    @devTea jest, mocha 😏
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    @devTea 😐chrome be weird and copied a bogus link.
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    @irene πŸ˜‚I know what you mean.
    And yes you're tests could actually be wrong, but they should match the requirements and should be testing expected results with predetermined inputs, Not the logic it's self. unless you have methods with a bunch of if statements for some reason which can't be broken down, but then you just add additional tests and data suitable to cater for the branches of logic.
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    @irene that's why I write my tests after I've proven my code works correctly.🀫

    So much time can be lost writing tests firsts, especially in a place that changes requirements constantly... err I mean "agile".
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    @theKarlisK "wE dOn'T hAvE tImE", "BuT iT wOrKeD bEfOrE, We DoN't hAvE tO LeArN aNy NeW tOoLs"
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