I hate it when depression strikes again and it renders me useless because I can't focus here at work.

I'm spending my break time right now trying to cheer myself up by looking at some memes online.

  • 2
    I find memes to be a terrible way to 'cheer myself up' - if anything, the stupidity of most actually brings me down even further. And even if they help you, they're just a bandaid on a wound.

    Why don't you invest your precious time into something better? Like trying to figure out the source of your depression, or a way to actually fix it.
  • 1
    Have you heard of our Lord and Saviour, /r/ProgrammerHumor/?
  • 0

    actually there's a bot in our office group chat that sends some memes from that subreddit from time to time.

    some memes here in devRant are way funnier though. I'm wondering if those were originally posted here in devRant.
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