
My new mobile development teacher just admitted he has never learnt git or any other VCS, I asked him what he does when shit happens and he just said,

"I just have a folder for each version backed up to Google Drive"

This is the guy that's teaching us? Surely as a teacher you should be setting a proper example and using good practises....?

  • 7
    I remember when that was me... Dark times they were
  • 2
    @lxmcf I did it as well, but I was like 16... I quickly looked for better ways and found GitHub which has forever been a godsend
  • 2
    @Jilano I'm bald now .-.

    Got tired of having hair
  • 3
    Really and truly, use of a VCS should be mandatory in any college programming classes. Wonder how many years it's going to take for academia to realize this?
  • 2
    @lxmcf who are you again?

  • 2
    Well... in a way google drive is a VCS.
    It maintains version history of files, and previous versions can be restored

    Just click that "keep forever" button.


    On the other hand, wtf!!!
  • 2
    @devTea that random lumberjack dude from Australia that rides emu's
  • 2
    @lxmcf kangaroos... we moved onto kangaroos 🦘😉
  • 2
    @C0D4 emu > roo... Fight me

    *Crushes VB can with forehead*
  • 1
    @lxmcf roo > emu!!

    *Rips Tooheys New can In half and skulls the rest of the can*

    Let's do this!
  • 2
    @C0D4 drive is just his backup, he has a folder for each version :/ already over 20+ folders of these apparently
  • 2
    @Cyan101 oh. Oh. OH WTF!!!!!
  • 2
    None of my college professors who taught programming know what version control was.

    It should be common core for aspiring and learning developers nowadays tbh.

    If you find a professor that’s chill AND knows what VCS is, give that person a handsome (or beautiful ;)) raise!
  • 1
    Man, I remember when in uni teachers wanted us to use git for the first time, and I was like "whoa, it can conbine code! This solves every programmers wet dream!"

    Meanwhile the classmates I was stuck with in a team "ugh, what is this, some stupid school system, and it doesn't even have an interface, everytime I do something it messes up all the code"

    I ended up doing everything with another guy who was actually really enthusiastic about code in general even tho he lacked experience. We just gave the rest of the guys really simple tasks where they can't fuck anything up (they did, but not on regards to git, think tripple embedded while loop accessing a database)

    Good times
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