Dude, FUCK automated bathrooms.

First of all, what the hell is so complicated about making a motion sensing faucet that works? Why does it *need* to be motion sensing? I stand there for 5-10 seconds with my stupid soapy hands extended, waiting for a squirt of the divine liquid.

And then the immediately following experience isn't much better. Motion sensing paper towel dispenser. The first go works fine, but it always dispenses half of what you need to get your grimy paws dry. So you go in for seconds, and it just flat out ignores you. Leaves you on read. You flap your pathetic noodle arms at it again. It isn't happening. Please wait 3-5 business days.

Oh, and god forbid you forget to cover the automatic toilet with a few wasted squares. Lean into a shit ONCE and you've just been prematurely flushed. Your ass is misted with the cold, unforgiving equivalent of an automatic insult.

Asshole design

  • 19
    You’d be surprised as how disgusting people are especially in the work setting.

    Even with those automated features installed, they STILL have to have someone clean the bathroom regularly that at this point I know when to and when to not go to the restroom.

    People are disgusting, pissing on seats, not flushing the toilet, leaving the faucet running, all the nasty horrible shit you can think of and we give little to no thanks to the automation that does it’s job to keep the bathrooms as clean as it can be without someone having to clean it 24/7.

    And as for the paper towel dispenser, you’d be surprised to how much paper inconsiderate assholes use to the point where they fill up the trash cans faster than they can fill up their stomaches in one meal setting.

    I am thankful for these tools of automation, try to see it in a positive light brother as I have shared the same anger which I no longer have do to me reevaluating the situation ๐Ÿ™
  • 4
    Oh hey in my town, the toilet automatically opens when you open the door. How do you say about this feature.?

    (damn cool heh)
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    Paper towel dispenser? Have they not heard of automatic hand driers? Those things turn your hands into Jeremy Clarkson's face in a fraction of the time it takes to fill the paper towel bin
  • 0
    @irene fair point, actually. Didn't think of that.
  • 1
    I'd rather have that than touching the sink handles touched by 939573829 hands holding people's dicks
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    @irene maybe not if the hand is the hand of a lesbian
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    @Milenchy unless its a roundabout insult?
  • 2
    Prime example of why we are not worthy of the fruits of other people’s hard labor.

    How in the living ducking hell do you miss the toilet from this close let alone sitting down? Do people do this in their own homes? This is absolutely ducking disgusting af...QUACK! ๐Ÿฆ†
  • 0
    And worst of all: if something breaks, wait for a century for it to be fixed, because nobody will take it the initiative to fix those broken pieces of s*** for a long time
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