
The feeling of preparing for an exam by reading the entire book, doing every exercise in it, doing all previous years' exams and then getting to the exam you failed and realizing.. You still have no fucking idea where to even start solving a single question in it.

Should I even bother appearing for my reexam? I feel like I wasted the past two months studying for it and there's no hope. End me or end my education, right now, thanks.

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    Choose "C"
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    @irene are you asking about the course or questioning my way of studying? 😂
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    @Demolishun fucking wish it was multiple choice. I'd have more of a chance if I had to guess between a few options every question than like this.
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    @irene functional programming
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    @irene I'm legit considering throwing my entire education and the past two years on the floor because I really don't think I'll be able to pass this exam with this lecturer :)
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    @irene if I fail again that's what I'm getting yeah but it'll likely be the same lecturer again since he just got the course. Over 50% of everyone who took this class this year failed its an absolute shitshow 😂 we complained to the university and they said "lol we're sure he's doing his best to give you good education so enjoy!"
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    @irene I'd be starting over. Ngl I just don't think I'm cut out to be a dev anymore.
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    @irene no. Other universities don't have the same courses and the overlap is minimal so I'd at most get credit for a few courses and the rest I'd have to take like everyone else. I also can't pick any courses either so I can't get around this bullshit at my current school.
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    I took 2 classes in programming in college. One was for assembly language on an 8088, the other was a C/C++ that I tested out of. I currently work as a developer. Everything else I learned myself. We don't use functional programming at work either. Most of what we code is boiler plate, get it done, often with embedded design flaws that we work around. Don't give up. Find a better way to learn. If its possible I would get my money back for that class. That sounds crappy. I still don't remember my network analysis class because of a shitty teacher. Been there.
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    @Elyz What does the functional programming course cover? I'm interested.
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    @Elyz What does the functional programming course cover? I'm interested.
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    @platypus functional programming using f#. The basics, mostly, but the lecturer expects 20 years of experience lol
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    @Elyz Is the focus practical or theoretical?
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    @platypus 50/50? Understand but also do. The exam is 4 hours of solving problems.
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    What helpt me most, was to think about algorithms as DP (dynamic programming) where you are just trying to find the step from n to n+1 (barely passed that exam and am really glad I did...)
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    @irene yes, all our written exams are at least 4 hours, at most 48 🤭
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    @Wack for me the problem is not so much that I don't know how to do something but rather I have no idea what the cunt is asking me to do because he's so terrible at formulating questions.
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    @irene that's uni here 🤷‍♀️
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    Truthfully speaking, the key to passing is by telling your brain to stop being a lazy cunt and process the information it’s been given.

    But on a serious note, I was HORRIBLE at exams, even with the UI and HTML5 Family exam I told myself that I could do it and got into the zone.

    I don’t know what is it with me in last minute studying but I seem to pass under pressure with a few days between exam and studying.

    I just tune the world out as best as I can on my free time and zone into the material.

    I know it doesn’t work for everyone but it works for me.

    Wish me luck on my ITILv3 cert exam this Saturday 😂🙃
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    Maybe it's just me, and I'm sure there's a lot of FP stuff I cannot grok without investing a LOT of thinking into it (especially if Haskell is involved), but my first semester intro to programming class was taught in Scheme (based on the famous SICP book—if you have the time, I'd recommend working through it), and lately I've been learning FP mostly in F# just by doing stupid exercises like Euler problems (most of them need more math than anything else). I think it's just a case of getting your brain accustomed to it.

    Are there any publicly available exercises for that class? I'd quite like to have a look…
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    @Frederick thanks love, but I'm tired of struggling. I want to be able to understand something now
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    For those interested the reexam was today. As usual I was a drama queen when I wrote this rant and it went quite alright 😂 I answered most of the questions and felt pretty confident about my answers. Should be enough to pass, I think.
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    @Elyz Good to hear it turned out well!

    Still interested in a link to those exercises, though…
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    @SomeNone wish I could provide, but in the interest of keeping myself anonymous, I'm not willing to share materials that could identify what university I am from, sorry.
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    @Frederick r u ok son? 🤭😂 What you doing?
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