
Welp, I just created a Minecraft server on a 48-Core Epyc with 256GB of RAM.

...I just hope I remember to turn it off when the free credits run out 😱

  • 14
    That better be modded minecraft...
  • 3
    @Demolishun just stock Spigot with a few minor datapacks 🤣
  • 9
    @endor Spigot? Really? When you run minecraft on a beast server you need to Feed the Beast!


    Edit: SHIT! Now I want to play minecraft...
  • 2
    I'm not going to lie, that's kind of awesome. Just crank the mobs up by 10 times or so.
  • 2
    Where are you hosting that? And for free how long?
  • 1
    @dudeking But I want to blow up your base with a nuclear reactor...
  • 1
    @KasperNS Scaleway, you get free credits to spend until the end of the month. Just don't forget to shut down those servers before the month ends ahahahahah!
  • 3
    @BadFox sadly it doesn't work as well as you'd expect. The ram is nice, but since the server is pretty much singlethreaded, all but one of the cpu cores are sitting idle.

    And since they're Epyc 1st gen, they only run at 2GHz, which means... that you'll get server lag! Especially when there's a whole bunch of raiders hunting you down (but even when there aren't).
  • 0
    @dudeking its like most game for me. I get tired of vanilla mechanics and need variety. That is why I am modding skyrim skse plugins now. I needs more features! I get it though. Sometimes simpler is better.
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  • 2
    @JoshBent skyrim script extender. I can write C++ plugins for it (dlls). I want to add networking. I did this of Oblivion and OBSE a while back.
  • 0
    @Demolishun ah I knew I heard it before, thanks for ringing the bell up, I always forget what it stands for. haha
  • 0
    Make a 2b2t clone @endor
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    Minecraft is single threaded. You do not need 48 cores.
  • 3
    @retnikt You can run it on multiple cores using java arguments. Also, some mods are threaded themselves. Its a complex beast. I just saw a mod that pushes terrain gen to threads. Kinda neat.
  • 1
    @retnikt I know, it was mostly for the large amount of ram (and to play with a 48 core monster :D)

    @Demolishun send links plz, I would really like to improve my server's performance.

    Most common VMs on the market have pretty slow cpus (~2 GHz), so any advantage gained by multithreading is always a plus
  • 2



    The reddit stuff is more recent. I don't know how much it will help. It would interesting to see if it improves tps.
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