
I wonder if lock picking is part of the pentest or not ? XD

  • 12
    Any vulnerability is fair game---including social engineering. Thinking in boxes is one of the things that contributes to weak security. Attackers don't respect technical boundaries.
  • 5
    Why did you tag "thief" I wonder
  • 2
    @Hazarth cuz thieves do lock picking mostly :)
  • 2
    It's unbelievable what a bit of acting can get you to.
  • 3
    How about throwing chairs at the windows of the server room

    Or taking the security guys hostage
  • 4
    Usually it is done during "team red testing" where the whole company security is tested (including social engineering).
    Definitively worth to learn!
  • 2
    @alexbrooklyn Why would you have windows in a server room?
  • 1
    Windows in server room?!
    Everybody knows linux is the only way!
  • 1
    @R1100 yeah, but it makes me think you're trying to steal something from a server room and pretend It's part of your pentesting "adventure" :D
  • 0
    I hear some pentesters come a few days earlier than planned to do the test, just in case the company told their employees that a tester is coming.
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