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    I'm currently working on a PHP web framework that's using Svelte components and it feels super simple and minimalistic coming from Vue.js while providing pretty much everything I have needed so far.

    The reactivity labels feel a bit hackish and clumsy since the dependencies need to be statically analyzable. And there isn't a documented way to dynamically bind props at runtime, but using the internal data structures isn't too hard either for this edge-case (component.$$.bound).
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    Certainly worth a try. Super pleasant syntax. No TypeScript support. Router not included (there is an external one).
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    looks vue'esque from what I can tell? what makes it different or rather what caught your attention?
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    @JoshBent stumbled upon it while watching youtube videos. I'm a huge fan of vuepress and the static site generator thing. And svelte does the same, with the diference there is unlike react and vue no framework running in the client browser. Because svelte compiles to vanilla html, css, js.
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    @heyheni oh, I keep forgetting about vuepress yeah - also just checked his demo about it, seems quite nice, but since I have no drop-in experience in react nor vue yet, I can't really tell if I would miss anything and if svelte is even "usable" right now, will definitely check it out more though, thanks!
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    @heyheni correction, I am now deeper into the demo and it's getting more and more impressive for sure
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    I just found out about it, it looks pretty good to me
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