I will die younger because of node packages

It's like quantum mechanics, so undeterministic, even with yarn.lock, I had this meeting to demo software and I was ready for 2 min past the meeting time, having worked nearly all night to save monorepo yarn workspaces issues where some module has peer dependency it shouldn't have and some other module installed a newer version of a package which broke another module with another version of the same package, one module checks if it's got an instanceof another package, but it returns false because it's another version of the same package that created it so X !== X.

I nearly had a nervous breakdown and my node modules won't fix when I remove all node_modules in the yarn+lerna monorepo and reinstall from scratch... it's like seeing ghosts with these errors all works for months and then a butterfly splashes its wings near 1 node module and the entire app fails apart.


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