Depending on the company you get to work for you have 2 choices in Lithuania.
Either you're the outsourced developer (The pay is amazing, many benefits etc...)
Or you work in a company that is not multi-international, then either the pay is much lower, or they expect a lot and push you to the curb with tasks.

  • 1
    There are good places to work in Lithuania, even in same company you can be in a great team or a terrible one.
    They part about pay is true though....
  • 2
    > even in same company you can be in a great team or a terrible one.

    Don't forget that the company head can be shitty and the team won't matter :) Had experience with the team is awesome as hell, products delivered, code quality high but... The head of the company was so shit that pretty much everyone left within a year. There was a full rotation and now the quality of that company dropped.

    So yeah, in my experience with tech there is:

    - Either you work as outsourced dev OR in a branch of a huge company and have a normal policy for work + good pay
    - OR
    - You work in a local company that tries to squeeze every bit of performance out of you and pay you the lowest possible wage.

    Been in both parties and eventually, I'm being outsourced and happy.
  • 1
    @potata when you work as outsourced dev, you usually work from home?
  • 2
    @balze42 I'm free to work from wherever I want :) We have a policy that the place you work from - has no impact and being free - gives better results.

    At the end, all that matters that the job is completed and client is happy
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