
This team mate of mine always finds a way to escape my suggestions in his pull requests.

Today he told me that what I'm asking him is just my personal preference and that it's not a thing just because our formatter isn't powerful enough to do it automatically.

  • 7
    If you find your suggestions to be reasonable, reject such PRs or remove yourself as a reviewer/approver
  • 6
    If its just formatting and you do not have an agreed on spec its just personal pref.

    If its more serious like missing null check or similar its not just personal pref but justified suggestions.

    But its all up to management to enforce, either that he accepts you suggestions or at least challenge them with real business valid reasons so you can reason on if your suggestions are the right thing or not, they obviously do not believe in PR’s or quality.
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    @Voxera We actually often talk about quality and we always rant to each other about other people's mess but when it's time I try to enforce it in his code, he suddenly says it's too much. I guess I hate it more that this came from him.

    I agree that somehow it's personal pref but I still feel like I won't be able to sleep knowing that that kind of mess is in our code base. Currently trying to let it go 💆🏻.
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