
me: oh you can add a where clause to filter xxx out with your group by.

arrogant junior: whuuut? you can use where clause with group by ? No u can't!

me: err... yes you can...

arrogant junior: NO!!!! No it doesn't work that way!

me : okay okay... fine ...

**30 mins later**

i see a where clause in the sql statement lol...I don't know why this person is always so pissed and fierce lol

  • 4
    Dunning-Kruger I suppose
  • 2
    Welcome to DevRant!
  • 5
    Reminds me of this one girl back in school. She just couldn't be wrong
  • 9
    I guess he was thinking of *HAVING* being the one to use with aggregations. It was probably explained to him incorrectly at school or so. Ofc he should've listen to a more experienced dev like you. I don't understand why people do this. I mean if someone told me something I thought wasn't possible or true, I'm still gonna try it to make sure I didn't miss something or misremembered... Its a win-win solution, either I learn something or I get to teach someone else something. (In same cases both)

    That's the beauty of having a brain and being an engineer!
  • 4
    The more you know, the more you know you don't know.

    The less you know, the more you think you know.

  • 0
    He sounds like a toddler.
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