The argument of "vim/zsh/whatever is not good because it requires configuration, and you don't usually have that on a new server" is a weak argument and it can suck my fucking nuts.

If some people are weak and lazy and forget how to use plain bash because they added a single alias, that's their problem.

That's like saying that getting used to a car is a bad thing because you can forget how to ride a bike.

Even if I did have the brain of a fish and forgot to use a bike because of using a car, I'll still be using a car 95% of the fucking time, so I'll take it.

If you do customize your setup, you can write an install script, dockerize, or just fucking something, it's 2019, you can do whatever the fuck you want.

Get a fucking couple of neurons.

  • 3
    Don't remember how, but either somebody here or on the net posted before how you can push your alias' and other things to the server too.
  • 1
    I don't know where you've read that, but no one on here that I've seen says that vim/zsh are NOT GOOD because they require configuration: I'm pretty sure the argument i see is that everyone should know the system defaults because you're not always on a system where you even have the ability to configure that system in the way you'd like, so its HELPFUL to know the defaults.

    That said, i completely agree with your stance and people saying its "not good" because its not default are the same people who swear by notepad to code in and refuse to move to vscode.
  • 0
    Agreed, but you can't take bash from me. I tried zsh and fish for two weeks or so until their autocompletion spam got too annoying.
  • 0
    @deadlyRants what about in a docker container running alpine? You'll only have Ash and Vi 🤔
  • 0
    @alexbrooklyn apk add vim bash zsh fish
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