

so, i'm recording some piano music because i wanna make a digital album... two songs done today and then i realize:
had to delete them both and start over; only had time to redo one of them in stereo today...
god damn it

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    What are you recording with? And what kind of a piano?
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    keep the recordings as "unreleased versions" for when you get popular, lol
  • 1
    how exactly are you recording ONE piano in stereo? Excuse my ignorance but, its one instrument which is a single source of sound, whart advantage is there to be gained by having it in stereo? is there any directional component to it?
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    @BurnoutDV you could mic up an acoustic instrument with just as many mics as you want. Or you could have an electric piano with a stereo output, where the effects could be stereo even if the patch played back wasn't.
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    @halfflat you could but you cant (yet?) create a true illusion from a mono source.
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    @BurnoutDV because if you listen to a real piano you hear the lower sounds more on your right and the higher sounds more on your left. (Or flipped if you play it yourself).
    This isnt something you always want (think live music) but for a solo recording it is really important.
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    @musician thats interesting to know, i havent thought about that. Thanks for the info
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    @musician also the timbre varies greatly depending on the position. On a solo recording you might want a blend of sound from different positions in the room.
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