Hey documentation providers! Some of us don't want to have to go to slow ass websites to look up everything about your code, system, library, api, etc. It also really sucks when trying to work on those systems without an internet connection. So, please provide offline documentation.

A special thank you to Python for providing help files with Python itself. This has been a life saver when working offline.

Also a special fuck you to Bethesda for not providing an offline version of the Creation Kit wiki. Everything else you do is nice, but please provide offline docs.

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    @JoshBent Tried, it just returns immediately. I tried different signature as well to spoof firefox browsing. I did find an offline reference someone put together on the nexus.
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    @Demolishun there's other tools that run an actual headless browser so even Javascript rendered bullshit can be saved, just look for similar to httrack tools
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    Funny that you mention Python as it has really bad documentation support without external tools
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    @12bitfloat There is a really nice help file that covers like everything in the language that is shipped with Python.
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    If you manage your dependencies correctly, most Java IDEs will download the docs along with the libraries you use.
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    PHP has offline docs. Online are better though, as the include people's comments.
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    @IAmAnIssue Java also has the best built in documentation support of any language I've ever seen
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    @12bitfloat fair enough. It’s just comments before the method/field/class.
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    One of the worst documentation pages I ave seen is from hiro macro. Page used to work fine but now its got some malicious js inside.
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    @IAmAnIssue Doc comments with special syntax that allow proper semantic markup
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