Fucking “front end” “Seniors” who can’t write a single line of TypeScript. Honestly FUCK YOU ALL. Waste of money on you.

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    "JuST UsE JquErY" <---- what i got from a "battle tested dev" for mentioning TypeScript as the sane solution for a very large frontend project
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    Some good rant material.
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    @AleCx04 I had a "senior dev" chew me out for saying basic jQuery without any plugins has been completely useless since ES6 got wide support.
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    Ahh, the good old "Senior" dev that is actually a Senior Citizen instead
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    @M1sf3t get dem typescript m1! You can't avoid it forever :p
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    Disliking static typing doesn’t make senior a waste of money.
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    @uyouthe indeed, but a frontend dev who can't write JavaScript (which is valid typescript) is a waste of money
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    While I agree they need to upskill if that's where your codebase lies, bear in mind Typescript is far from ubiquitous. If picked at random, I wouldn't expect a senior frontend dev to necessarily know much about Typescript at all.
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    well, thank you?
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