Is there any version control system for database..

Ofcourse we can keep sql file for mysql db along with our code. Other than that .....

"I mean i want my db backup,
I do not want to do it myself every time,
It should work like pulling code"

  • 2
    If it's for data, automate a backup process or snapshots on a scheduled task and.. I'm assuming mysql based on profile... just run mysql_dumps and upload them to an external storage.

    I wouldn't put a DB into version control unless it's only structural information/ stored procedures and configurational data that would be used in the event you needed to create a new DB and somehow loose the snapshots.
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    Lookup the term slowly changing dimensions.
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    There is a DB designed for this use case. Quite handy IMHO.
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    One by one
    Have you been using any services to

    1. automate a backup process -

    2 .take snapshots on a scheduled task -
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    @Makenshi I didnt get the context tbh
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    @rytzpekt Seems good. But i think it does not have any support now
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    @sandeepbalan not since moving everything to AWS a few years ago which we have private S3 buckets for.

    But before that I had VMWare run daily snapshots of the VMs and I just wrote a php cronjob that exported the database with exec(mysql_dump) on a daily basis, zip it up, and send it to another server, ah the good ol' days.
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    Harcore solution: You can push your data into a Git repository.
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    @matste you mean sql file?
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