New guy in the block!. Just started with a new position in a new company too!.
Designated as as Devops Engineer (after my 2 years of experience as one) in a well funded Saas Startup!. Lots to learn. I used to work in Openstack Terraform puppet etc whilst here it's fully AWS. I was expecting this right from the start but woah.

Lambda, dynamodb, cloudformation, ssm, codebuild, codepipeline
Serverless framework, Flask and node mixed apps , Vue (including vuex) js Front end, graphQl api, and rest for between microservices.

Lots of ground to cover and I've not consumed this much topics before. Especially graphQl and Vue js are being a pain for now .

Each Devops engineer is working on a tools to improve the productivity and shorten the release time. Lots of automations in the pipeline!.

I'm not sure this qualifies as a rant but here you go!.

  • 1
    Lol, how unlucky of you to land in a company that mixes so many crap together.

    Good for learning, tho.
  • 0
    Good luck!
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