
Oops, i bought a new one - I dont really know what i wanna do with it - but it was on sale so πŸ˜…

  • 12
    I own 50 Pi Zeros, so I feel this post
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    "raspberry po" in the tags. "It's just as good!"
  • 3
    I have 2 Pis. One is an original model B, the other is a 3

    The model B is powering a pong AI on an analog B/W mini TV.

    The 3 is hosting a discord bot and is how I access my home network from everywhere (I changed the default password, don't worry).
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    As Jesus Christ once said, "At some point people tend to forget what to do with their money".
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    This feels like a lot of YouTube tutorials I watch.

    "I just had this arduino/pi lying around, so I used it"
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    @bahua Ohh didnt noticed that... Got "corrected" by my phone haha

    @IAmAnIssue Now im a rich man - i own two too πŸ˜… Both arent in use so....

    @sandeepbalan Bro it was on sale - 500 pieces and just 40 were left - Just bought one instead multiple ones πŸ˜…

    @cmarshall10450 Yea, just the feeling πŸ‘» Get ur Pi (not po lol) noooow :)
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    @neoliun the only reason I have an arduino to use for something is because I don't need to flash firmware onto my 3d printer anymore.

    I had a raspberry pi but gave it away almost 2 years ago. But, now I need it to do another upgrade.
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    The pi4 gets a bit warm so some cooling may be a good idea. And it draws more power than previous versions.

    But it's nice to have 1.5GHz and 4 gig ram. Tried a Minecraft server and it runs rather smooth, the 4k resolution works... But I realised I don't have many 4k movies...
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    Straight forward - You can make more money out of it from the awesome brain you got.
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    @Plasticnova i may ask u why u own so much? πŸ˜…failed project?

    @Jay-Kadam Hmm one reason why im not employed by someone? πŸ˜πŸ˜…
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    @neoliun I use them for prototyping various devices. I needed several for a few projects and just decided to buy some in bulk. Now I have a bag full of the extras, my bag o pi, to play with. Here soon I'm going to make a kube cluster with them. Why? Because I just can't help myself
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    Hmm @Plasticnova But 50 would be just too much for me haha. Why not resell some? ;)
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    @neoliun I'll use them all eventually. I enjoy using them in projects too much not to
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    It actually makes a decent Minecraft server or NAS (since it finally has USB 3.0), and there's plenty of IoT uses if that's more your thing
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