
TL;DR: If you're an Android user, do yourself a favour and check out https://simplemobiletools.com/ . You're welcome.

Dear diary, today was a good day.
A small part of my faith in humanity was recovered after I found about Tibor Kaputa.

Apparently, this guy - like many of us - was fed up with the bloat, bugs, bullshit and 'features' of many of the stock Android apps that come preinstalled on most phones. And so, he decided to make his own.

Unlike most of us however, he actually pulled through. And then he made them open source.

No bullshit permission requirements.
No ads or tracking.
Custom themes.
And no, not just 'toggle white/dark mode', I'm talking 'pick your own color scheme', both within the app and for the app icon (!).
And then sync your colour scheme across the entire suite of apps (!!).
Simple UI, with a lot of customizable settings.
And if you get them from f-droid, it's all completely free as in BEER too!

I've spent a lot of time in the last year trying to find software that does what it's supposed to do well, without trying to pull any sneaky bullshit in the background or annoy me with crap that I don't care about in a miserable attempt to show off its useless features.

I'm not a fan of Medium myself either, but the author's article about how his suite of apps was born really resonated with me. If you care about privacy, open source software, and doing things right, you should really give it a read: https://medium.com/@tibbi/...

I'm particularly a fan of the Gallery, the File Manager, and the Music player apps, and the others don't look half bad either.

  • 1
    omg, the music player is less than 3 mb, good post op.

    I'm now feeling motivated to put the time to migrate my shitty android edge S7e or at least the bad parts to something less annoying.
  • 1
    Nice catch! Thanks!

    Is there anything like that for IOS out there?
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    @netikras probably not because if I remember correctly Apple requires a yearly $99 dev license?

    For Android, my license which I bought like 10 years ago was only a 1-time $30 cost. Greentree I haven't done Android developer or published any store apps after the first year...
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    Well depends on the OS... The first thing I do is make sure I can get root and until OP6, used custom ROMs.

    OxygenOS don't come with much bloatware, and well I can uninstall any I don't like.
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    @billgates I am more interested in a source code rather than the app itself :)
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    @netikras https://github.com/SimpleMobileTool...
    Here you can find the sources for all the Android apps, if that's what you're looking for.
    He doesn't make them for iOS afaik
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    @Haxk20 insert * why are we not funding this? meme * here
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    I'd advice that person to put f-droid links on as well as not finding those on the site itself nearly got me to close the website because I can't easily use the (and I don't trust) play store.

    But awesome! I seem to already be using 2-3 of these apps 😊
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    @linuxxx I guess he's trying to push for the paid version more, since he's working on those full-time
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    @endor Understandable but maybe at least mention it somewhere or so?
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    @gudishvibes Check the github links for the fdroid links!
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