
React.js is fucking stupid

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    Make something better then.
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    Frameworks/solutions/shit like that is bad in teams where no one gives a fuck about coding style/arch/tests/plan

    I'm pretty sure OP is struggling to find who the fuck is cause a certain even to fire when state is updated, been in this situation and took me a full month find out what is happening to end up getting that tiny WTF/heart attack moment because it turned out components can update state, repository files can update state, screens (though they are still components) also updates state.

    Sometimes an await result from AsyncStorage updates state! Imagine the chaos ....

    So from my end React/Native and similar are annoying ...
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    @gitpush React.js is a “new age” incarnation of .Net 1.1 WebForms from 2002.
    Mixing languages in the same file with no auto complete and no compile time checking is just plain bad.
    Yes it works very well for most CRUD apps. But when you start adding some complexity and interactions, exactly as you said “ Why the fuck that event is fired ? And why it’s fired before this one ?”
    Been here, done that. Not for me. Although I can understand the appeal for some developers. It seems “Easy” and “Fast”. Until you hit a wall and you start to look how to change or disable some of behaviors. (It was viewstate for WebForms)
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    @ralph28561 Why ? Plenty of others things exist
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    @NoToJavaScript lool yes WebForms and its mess
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    @NoToJavaScript can't you split the files it like in Vue?
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    @gitpush Well, to be fair, I still use it, even for major projects. But I don’t really “use it”.

    Step 1 : Disable everything in WebForms (Events, “runat”,session, viewstate) : Basically WebForms are plain HTML files with SOME C#, eg for translations)
    Step 2 : Select a JS library. (Vua, angular, knockout : all of them work well)
    Step 3 : Profit

    But honestly Razor Pages are WAY better and simple in file structures. I never liked how .Net implemented MVC before: too many folders, too many files.
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    @NoToJavaScript blazor would be even better :)
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    @Codex404 I’m following very closely Blazor. But at current state it is bad for any commercial application : Too slow and A LOT of traffic. But I bet in a year or two it will be the bomb !
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    True no AI... So?
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    I like React

    inb4 you fucking monkey dont know shit about js use vue its de only worth js framework!!!!!!!
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    @ralph28561 You know what you get when you take all the bad parts out of React.js? ..

    "undefined" ..
    That's whats left
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