This was an email sent to me using my name as a greeting. This had to be a mass email that no one proofread.

I love how the list everything general JS skillset using odd verbage and then throw C# at the end.

What should I respond with?

I am feeling snarky today.

  • 3
    "So this job requires JavaScript?"
  • 1
    C# backend and js frontend? So that you would have a clue what exceptions from BE mean?
  • 6
    Ah, yes. "JavaScript Framework", my favorite framework
  • 1
    @12bitfloat did someone create that in the last 5 minutes?
  • 1
    Looks like a google translate copy and paste. If you had the energy I recommend stereotyping the name of sender and guess the language of origin and reply in a google translate copy and paste in that language.
  • 0
    A classic example of someone tasked with something they don't understand and noone giving a fuck.
  • 0
    Please tell me if I am being a judgey asshole. I am junior dev teaching a real dev my job. Things he does not understand.
    Where the code is (we only have a handful of projects we work out of he could not locate them in bitbucket)
    He also could not follow a URL string to locate the location of a file. He asked if it was on the old servers and the first directory clearly indicates it’s a CMS that he works in constantly.

    Also he was trying to clone a project and I explained you have to go into each repo to clone it.

    Lastly he does not use the bookmarks bar! WTF!
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