
fUcK zsh!

  • 8
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    I love that shit though
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    Fuck + zsh = fsh
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    Why God Why????? It's great!
  • 6
    Ah yes, I see you too updated to Catalina...

    Also yes fuck zsh, stock bash for me
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    @lxmcf *shaking my head in disapproval*
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    @lxmcf something broke in Catalina? I use zsh on Catalina without any issues
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    @devs no Catalina defaults to zsh now and you know, zsh sucks
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    @devs yeah only all your bash scripts you ever wrote. (yeah I know you can reinstall bash via homebrew or what not)
  • 8
    @fuckwit bash scripts works fine with zsh.. That’s kind of the point with zsh as opposed to fish
  • 6
    There is nothing worse than getting suggestions for what you type, you guys are right, zsh is the worst.
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    @devs no they don't? They may seem to work because you still have bash installed and your script features a shebang for bash. But zsh and bash scripting syntax are incompatible
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    bash > all
    So, yeah.
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    @fuckwit o hi, nice to see you here :p
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    @fuckwit that is why you put a shebang there in the first place, so they are working even when running from other shells. and if you forgot your shebang, well, hope you learned something.
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    For starters,

    shortcuts like home end .. does not work, incompatible with bash scripts,

    no suggestions,

    I'd rather go with simple shell than a complicated one,

    doesn't manage my dependencies and env variables,

    It's broken to say the least,
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    This thread sounds like "I'm mad at Apple for making an interesting choice, because I don't use shebang lines!"

    Seems like a weird stance to take.
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    @deadPix3l I'm not sure but I think they completely remove the default bash. So even if you have a shebang you would still need to install bash manually via homebrew or some other way
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    @fuckwit okay. Now that is a bold move. And not one I agree with. Its still a gold standard, and should ship. Especially since Homebrew is itself not shipped by default.

    Still don't see what could break though. I switched to zsh at home a year ago. And still use bash at work. I am switching back and forth daily and have not even noticed any incompatibilities. Sometimes I forget I have zsh even. So I'm confused to what the problem really is.
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    @deadPix3l zsh and bash are not really compatible. Yes zsh can emulate sh which covers a not so small subset of syntax but it doesn't know what to do with bashs extensions to sh. I tested zsh on some of my scripts today and some do work. But the more complex ones don't.
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