When you live in Rural America and both the cable and DSL suck... you buy both and combine them. Went from speedtesting at 11.5mbps/2mbps to 18mbps/3.5mbps. Also have a nice VPN setup for when I'm out and want privacy on public wifi. Winning!

  • 0
    What part of the country gets you speeds that slow? I'm blessed to be in a farm-town at the edge of a real city.
  • 2
    Can you explain your setup? How are you combining two sources of Internet?
  • 0
    When you live in "rural" South Africa, and there is no DSL, because the cable got stolen, and you have to get satellite internet.. 1mbps for about $150 per month. Note that it's mbps and not Mbps. And I've not gotten speeds more that 130Kbps because this is a heavily contested link. Sigh. I live 16km (10 miles) outside of a regional capital city.
  • 0
    @lumeshadow I also live in South America and have to deal with that :/
  • 0
    Interesting indeed! 😯
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